Beautiful, Soft & Colourful Cashmere

Our Impact
Meet Annie
Cashmere = Beautiful, but too expensive
In the past, I’d say you’re right. Because I used to think the same thing.
I lived in Europe for 20 years. I was surrounded by beautiful women, wearing luxury items and I wanted to look just like them. You can’t blame me – I grew up in North Queensland where style was an afterthought and class was going to school.
I saw these beautiful women – these stylish, elegant, usually Italian women – and I just thought “wow, they look so put together”. I wanted to look the same. Truthfully, I wanted to feel the same too.
I wanted outfits that made me look and feel chic. I wanted jewellery that made me look and feel successful. I wanted accessories that made me look and feel like I fit in, but also stand out.
The only problem was…
When I shopped for what they wore, it was wayyyyyy out of my league (aka budget). More than a bottle of Prosecco, that’s for sure.
My boyfriend (now husband), bought me my first cashmere scarf, knowing I wouldn’t buy it for myself. Oh, wow – I was in love… with the scarf (and him too, I suppose!).
When I wore my new cashmere scarf for the first time, it was like a second skin. I wore it constantly. I loved the way it made me feel and look. It was so easy. Instant sophistication. Add cashmere!
Before, I’d always say “Cashmere = Beautiful, but too expensive.”
Now, I was a total convert.
I realised that cashmere wasn’t as out of reach as I thought. I could spend $150 on a good piece of knitwear, but for an extra $50, I could have CASHMERE (yes, in capitals). For the way it made me look and feel, it was SO. WORTH. IT.
But when I returned to Brisbane in 2017, my relationship with cashmere came to a screeching halt. If I thought European prices were expensive, I was not prepared for Australian prices.
“$400 for a simple cashmere scarf!?!?”
There was no way I was paying that. So, I started searching online.
If you called me a Cashmere Convert before, I suddenly became Cashmere Consumed. I could not stop researching, thinking, calling, questioning, emailing, Facebooking – everything I could.
Surely there were beautiful, soft, colourful AND ethical cashmere scarves for an accessible price…? And there is…When it is brought directly from the maker and sent to the customer through our online shop. The supplier we work with has their own free-range goat fields in Inner Mongolia, where the majority of the world's raw cashmere comes from (including that which is sent to Scotland and Italy). They work to improve the standard of living for the herdsmen, discourage overgrazing and cultivate happier goats…leading to wonderful cashmere.
Cashmere IS expensive, but not as expensive as you think. And it’s possible for you to have the luxury and class of the European woman without spending your life savings.
That’s what I do at Cara Cashmere.

Ethical Cashmere
Since I launched in 2018, thousands of women in Australia and abroad have been wearing 100% cashmere in all its sophistication and softness, with no middleman and no crazy profit margins.
The first cashmere piece I received from our maker was a beautiful wrap that I didn’t take off for days - even to sleep! This was the first step in what came to be our signature, bestselling Cashmere Wraps.
Our cashmere comes via this small supply chain, enabling us to offer accessible pricing for these beautiful, soft, don’t-leave-home-without-it cashmere pieces.
Annie's Favourite Looks